Excitement Building (Week 16 aka the week with no time for editing)

Made it to Calgary last night.

The other Vanessa picked me up and took me to her home. She fed me and watered me (with ~fancy~ glasses) and put me to bed.

She agreed to work out with me while we are in Vegas and in a show of insanity we started this morning.

I did my 80 squats and the joined her in the last 15 minutes of her Turbo Jam workout.

Up next is getting clean, picking Melissa up from the airport (not to be confused with Melissa), and then later on meeting Melissa (not to be confused with Melissa) at the airport to catch our flight to Vegas.

Far and Away (Week 16)

I am on the road. After a busy weekend of an eight year old niece’s birthday pool party, cleaning my house, having my baby sister’s SO stay overnight last night, squatting, packing my bags, and repacking my bags, I am finally moving.

I write to you from the comfort of the 3.5 hour greyhound bus trip to Calgary. It would be more comfortable if the wifi onboard was significant enough to run any apps on my iPad. But I cannot even upload or save this post. Peachy keen. My plan of watching too much Netflix was foiled. But it isn’t bad. It is a far cry better from the STC experience from when I was a small child.

Plugins, comfortable seating, “wifi”, and cup holders are pretty luxurious.

I remember talking with the STC bus drivers on my trips around Saskatchewan. And I longed for their job. Even at a young age I remember asking them about how routes were chosen, how many hours they worked, where they stayed each night, how long they had been driving, and I thought it was glamorous. Even when I finally did get my license I enjoyed driving long distances. I was always up for a road trip.

And today I head to Calgary to meet up with my friends. We are going on our ‘grownup’ trip. The two Melissas and the two Vanessas (seriously) are headed to Vegas.

My mission: to not feel so old and surmise that we should have done this trip 10 years earlier 😉

Tomorrow we all fly out. I packed my runners and my sports bra. I hope I am disciplined enough to use them. Or maybe I hope that I am unable to complete that task. Either way, I will keep you all posted.

Shoot me now (Week 15)

I am sure glad my antibiotics had a chance to work the past 1.5 days.

The outdoor crosscamp was full of cardio and my lungs are on fire. Maybe I need wine to put it out?

The slow jog to the location worked okay. My leg muscles responded in the normal way: ouch, err, oh yeah, and then ahhh. My lungs began to protest once the 3 sets of those awful stairs began. They just flat out told me, “Nope.” Run, run, wheeze, run, run, wheeze, walk, gasp, walk, run, run, wheeze….

Things got worse once we hit the bridge.

3 rounds of:

15 presses with the band thing
10 squat jumps
15 chest flies with the band
20 scissor jump things
Sprint from the middle of the bridge to the end and then back again

My sprinting was jogging to the end… And then gasping and clutching my chest like an old lady clutches her pearls. And then walking most of the way back.

I muttered or yelled many unladylike things. I declared a lot of things ‘holy’ that aren’t necessarily so.

Especially when the above 3 rounds turned into 4. I shook my fist at Angie though not to her face because she is ripped and terrifies me.

We did other exercises afterward but I simply cannot recall them.

And since my supper is finally ready, I am not even going to edit this post.

Still squatting (Week 15)


Still doing the squat challenge and hoping my good friends that I am travelling with next week don’t mock me too much for how much I am planning on complaining.

Yes, I make time to plan to complain.

If you don’t plan for it then you won’t do it (complain) correctly.

And if you don’t do it correctly, then why would you do it (complain) at all?

That’s right, because squatting sucks. Squatting sucks when I try to figure out if my right knee should be doing that or aching. Squatting sucks when I try to figure out how low to go. Squatting sucks when my husband shows me up because he is good at them.

Am I done complaining?


Do you know what else sucks? And actually terrifies me? And starts tonight? And I have to go to because my antibiotics are working?

Outdoor crosscamp



If you need me I will be huddled over here in the corner.

How my May is looking. (Week 15)


How my May is looking. (Week 15)

You don’t need to be able to breathe much to start this challenge and so my husband volunteered me to do this with him.

Edited to add: I was not impressed but started it last night anyway in my pjs and bathrobe.

Adding more: Sorry to give you a scary vision like that… instead think of a cute image. Like a penguin covered in ice cream.

Only one more edit I promise: I decided to search if there was a picture of a penguin covered in ice cream; there isn’t. But look at what cute thing I did find!

What is plaguing me? (Week 15)


I feel like a pile of excrement.

I vowed to run this week but my body has not been cooperating.

In the morning I only need 3 things to be able to do a decent run:

  1. Be able to breathe (chest infections/sinus colds are terrible)
  2. Be able to stand for long periods of time 20 minutes in the sunlight (migraines are terrible)
  3. Be able to be away from the bathroom (upset stomachs are terrible)

Yesterday was BONUS time when I suffered all three. It could be the last one was caused by me trying to medicate the first two away. But I figured staggering cold medicine, advil, and tylenol was my best offence against the beastly migraine that woke me at 4 am.

I am headed on vacation in less than a week now. If I am not better by then I will be a lousy companion to my dear friends.