Technically I just set this up so there are no FAQ.

But I can imagine there are dozen of readers wanting to know more. Who am I to deny them?!?!


Watch the questions just roll in like molasses!

1) How did I not know about this blog? (From the lovely Rebecca)

I don’t know. Probably you missed me spamming my own Facebook wall with updates because you have me blocked because of all the controversial stuff I post. Those posts about ugly hats that offended you that one time. Or you aren’t my Facebook friend and I have lost all other methods of communication with you.

2) How did we both become such lazy friends! (From the punctuation impaired Trish)

I think I always was. I suck at communication. As for you I surmise it was a boating accident.

3) were u tigger? (From Double)

No, I was piglet.

4) Can we hang out/ work out soon? (From Trish)


insert feedback; receive imaginary token of awesome